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Get Into Recovery with our
Virtual 12 Step Rehab

Discover our exclusive teaching and learning platform lovingly crafted to meet your needs. Dive into our Integrated Step Courses, meticulously designed to empower you every step of the way. While you have the option to work through them independently, we highly encourage you to seize the opportunity to connect with fellow learners and seasoned professionals who can guide you through your educational journey.

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Mobile App

The app is designed to work with our learning platform (Thinkific) making it easier for you to access all your work, support and courses wherever you are. You will be asked to sign into once you have the app and then you have access everywhere. 


Mobile App Promotion picture

We recommend buying your courses on this platform and then getting the app, its a little easier.

(Our courses are hosted by Thinkific so don't panic when you see their name.)

apple app store link
google play store link

Currently you can access the Thinkific app to access all our support. 

Common questions about addiction, recovery and the 12 Step Program?

Do I have to go to a Rehab Center?

group of people sat around in a recovery setting


  1. Structured Environment: Residential rehab provides a structured, controlled environment free from the distractions and triggers of daily life. This setting is crucial for individuals in the early stages of recovery, as it allows them to focus solely on their sobriety without the temptations and stresses that may contribute to their addiction.

  2. Professional Support: Access to professional support around the clock is a key benefit. Trained staff, including therapists, counselors, and medical professionals, offer guidance, implement personalized treatment plans, and address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. This comprehensive support is vital for dealing with withdrawal symptoms, underlying mental health issues, and developing coping strategies.

  3. Peer Support: Being surrounded by peers who are going through similar struggles provides a sense of community and understanding that is often missing in an individual's life during addiction. This camaraderie fosters a supportive network, encourages open communication, and builds lasting friendships, all of which are instrumental in the recovery process.

  4. Holistic Healing: Many residential rehab programs offer a holistic approach to recovery, incorporating various therapies such as counseling, group therapy, physical activities, meditation, and nutritional planning. This approach aims to heal the mind, body, and spirit, offering a more comprehensive and effective form of treatment.

  5. Long-term Success: Residential rehab programs are designed to equip individuals with the tools, strategies, and mindset needed for long-term sobriety. Through intensive therapy sessions, individuals learn to identify triggers, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and build a solid foundation for a sober lifestyle. This preparation is crucial for reintegration into daily life and significantly reduces the risk of relapse.


There are many reasons why to enter residential rehab - we cant emphasise this point enough. Withdrawal from drugs and/or alcohol is dangerous, you should alway do this with medical support. 



Then why are you offering a virtual rehab ?

12 Steps and Integrated Step Course
person holding laptop looking at online courses


  1. Cost and Accessibility: Residential rehab can be significantly expensive, making it inaccessible for many individuals. The cost can include treatment services, accommodation, and potentially lost income during the stay. For some, the financial burden may outweigh the perceived benefits, especially if insurance coverage is limited or non-existent.

  2. Disruption to Daily Life: Entering a residential rehab program requires a substantial commitment of time, often necessitating a leave of absence from work, school, or family responsibilities. This disruption can be particularly challenging for those with dependents or those in critical roles in their professional lives, making outpatient or community-based services a more viable option.

  3. Privacy Concerns: For individuals concerned about confidentiality and privacy, the prospect of entering a residential program can be daunting. The fear of stigma or professional repercussions can deter some from seeking the help they need in such a setting, preferring instead more discreet forms of therapy or support.

  4. One Size Does Not Fit All: Residential rehab programs, despite their benefits, may not be the best fit for everyone’s unique situation. Some individuals may find the structured environment too restrictive or the group settings uncomfortable. Others might not resonate with the therapeutic approaches offered, necessitating a more personalized or flexible treatment plan that better suits their needs and preferences.

  5. Reliance on Institutional Support: There's a concern that the intensive, supportive environment of residential rehab might not adequately prepare individuals for the challenges of returning to their normal life. The transition from a highly structured setting back to daily routines can be overwhelming, leading to a dependence on institutional support that may not be sustainable in the long term. Outpatient services, community support groups, or a gradual step-down approach might provide a more balanced pathway to independence and long-term recovery.



What does 'working the 12 Steps' mean?

person climbing steps


Working the 12 Steps" refers to actively engaging in the process outlined by the Twelve Steps program, which is most famously associated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and other similar groups aimed at overcoming addiction and compulsion. The process is both personal and communal, involving a series of actions and principles designed to help individuals achieve and maintain sobriety, recover from addiction, and live more fulfilling lives.


We have written the Integrated Step Course, which is specifically designed to help you 'work the steps'. This program includes:


  1. Structured Guidance: The Integrated Step Course provides a structured pathway through the 12 Steps, ensuring that participants not only understand each step but also know how to apply them in their daily lives. This guided journey helps demystify the process, making it more accessible and less overwhelming for individuals new to recovery or those who have struggled with the steps in the past.

  2. Comprehensive Learning: Beyond merely working the steps, the Integrated Step Course delves into the principles behind each step, providing participants with a deeper understanding of their purpose and potential impact. This comprehensive learning experience empowers individuals to embrace the full spectrum of recovery, fostering lasting change.

  3. Community Connection: Participants of the Integrated Step Course become part of a supportive community of individuals who are on similar paths. This sense of belonging and shared experience is invaluable, offering encouragement, understanding, and mutual support that can make the journey less isolating and more hopeful.

  4. Tools for Lifelong Recovery: Our program equips participants with practical tools and strategies to not only work the steps during the course but to continue applying them throughout their lives. This emphasis on sustainable practices and ongoing personal development prepares individuals for the challenges of maintaining sobriety long-term.


By choosing the Integrated Step Course, individuals are not just learning to work the steps; they are investing in a foundation for a lifetime of recovery, growth, and fulfilment. This program offers a unique opportunity to transform your life, build resilience, and forge a path toward healing and wholeness.



All our courses.

Do I have to go to Alcoholics Anonymous?

letters spelling out the words 'club alcoholics anonymous'


Attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a personal choice often made for several reasons, each deeply personal and rooted in an individual's journey with alcohol. Although we are not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous we believe that it is a fabulous part of the recovery journey and can't recommend it enough.  


Here's why someone might decide to go to AA:


  1. Seeking Support: AA provides a community of individuals who understand the challenges of overcoming alcohol addiction. The shared experiences and empathy found in AA meetings can offer invaluable emotional support and encouragement, making the recovery journey feel less isolating.

  2. Structure and Accountability: The 12-Step program offered by AA provides a structured approach to recovery. Regular meetings and the practice of working through the steps encourage accountability, both to oneself and to the group, which can be crucial for maintaining sobriety.

  3. Experience, Strength, and Hope: AA meetings are an opportunity to hear from others who are at various stages of their recovery journey. Listening to the stories of how others have coped with similar struggles and overcame obstacles can provide inspiration, practical advice, and hope.

  4. Learning Coping Strategies: Through discussions and the sharing of personal experiences, members learn effective coping strategies for dealing with cravings, triggers, and the underlying issues that contribute to addiction. This collective wisdom can be a valuable resource for someone new to sobriety or facing new challenges.

  5. Spiritual Growth: Although not religious, AA encourages finding strength in a higher power or a spiritual understanding of one's choosing. This aspect of the program can help individuals find deeper meaning in their recovery and personal lives.

  6. Anonymity and Privacy: AA's commitment to anonymity ensures that members can share openly without fear of judgment or repercussions in their personal and professional lives. This safe, confidential environment is crucial for honest sharing and healing.

  7. Accessibility and Cost: AA meetings are widely available in many communities around the world and are free to attend. This accessibility makes it a viable option for many people seeking help with alcohol addiction.


Choosing to attend AA is a significant step in acknowledging the need for help and being open to the possibility of recovery. It's important to remember that the path to sobriety is personal, and what works for one person may not work for another. AA is one of many resources available, and individuals are encouraged to explore various options to find the best support for their needs.

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